Downloads: Unsorted

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Big Game Hunters Big Game Hunters : Basicaly I took the map (which was just flat terrain with trees and 1 texture) and added mountains, ... [more] (234.4 KB) 13-08-2007 1,165 0
Cliffhanger [General Challenge] Cliffhanger [General Challenge] : This is a general challenge map where the central player is meant to defeat all players around them. ... [more] (190.1 KB) 13-08-2007 818 0
Dead Creek Dead Creek : This map has a dried up creek bed, two mountains with resources. The AI fights great in this map. Ju ... [more] (143.8 KB) 13-08-2007 752 0
El Alamein El Alamein : This map took me quite a long time to make. Probably 4 months on and off! Basically this map is as ... [more] (265.3 KB) 13-08-2007 681 0
Fight for All Fight for All : This map is a 3 player map in a snowy environment. Oil derricks are nearby each player. A lot of res ... [more] (104.0 KB) 13-08-2007 620 0
Head 2 Head Head 2 Head : This is a pure 1 on 1 map set in Egypt. ... [more] (63.8 KB) 13-08-2007 480 0
Island Fortress Island Fortress : A very versatile, symmetric 6-player Desert map set up as a 4 vs. 2 or maybe 3 vs. 3 team play map ( ... [more] (1.18 MB) 13-08-2007 770 0
Lost Highway Lost Highway : A four player map for multiplayer or skirmish, set along a highway which runs across the center of t ... [more] (165.6 KB) 13-08-2007 782 0
Market Town Market Town : A desert map with town that spreads through the map. The town is bustling with activity; many cars d ... [more] (208.4 KB) 13-08-2007 676 0
Minesweeper Minesweeper : This is a 1 on 1 map loosly based on the Minesweeper game that comes with Windows. http://www.cncfo ... [more] (117.2 KB) 13-08-2007 447 0
Mount Olympus Mount Olympus : This map is based upon 'Mount Olympus' from the Greek mythologies. It is a 2 on 2 team based map tha ... [more] (101.6 KB) 13-08-2007 525 0
Mountain Valley Town Mountain Valley Town : A detailed and beautiful map set in a mountain town. The two players are separated by the town and m ... [more] (288.2 KB) 13-08-2007 624 0
Octoberfest Octoberfest : This is a 1 on 1 snow based map. The theme is Munich, Germany at octoberfest. The map time is set to ... [more] (64.3 KB) 13-08-2007 528 0
Preemptive Strike Preemptive Strike : An American General has ordered a pre-emptive strike on the city of Mosul, Iraq. This is a peaceful ... [more] (114.1 KB) 13-08-2007 524 0
Wastegrounds Wastegrounds : This is a 2 vs 2 team-based map, set in the aftermath of a GLA raid in an urban wasteground zone in ... [more] (35.4 KB) 13-08-2007 566 0
Sewajee Hill Sewajee Hill : 4 players start out on raised fields in each corner with 1 oil derrick and a supply dock. Repair bay ... [more] (294.7 KB) 13-08-2007 580 0
The Sands of Time The Sands of Time : This is an egyptian themed map with effective choke points and capturable oil derricks and tech arti ... [more] (130.6 KB) 13-08-2007 458 0
Volcano Volcano : Players start with 2 supply docks and two derricks. A hospital found on the center island and a lot ... [more] (258.2 KB) 13-08-2007 756 0
TLF Mod TLF Mod : TLF Mod, updated with new units and glitchs (most hopefully) fixed. This furthers the laser faction. ... [more] (96.9 KB) 13-08-2007 503 0
Quadrant City (Eastern District) Quadrant City (Eastern District) : Here is my 30th map entitled Quadrant City (Eastern District) after my Quadrant City map. It is a 4 ... [more] (549.8 KB) 09-08-2007 1,533 0
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