Downloads: Unsorted

Files in category : Unsorted
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Bacardi Pickup Bacardi Pickup : Gives the pickup (from the extras menu) a gold trim, new hubcaps, lightly blue tinted headlights, bl ... [more] (56.4 KB) 21-07-2007 180 0
EyeBoy Flame Tank EyeBoy Flame Tank : Textured Flame Tank using the "Eyeboy".dds from Westwood. Gives the NOD Flame tank a different look. ... [more] (214.0 KB) 18-07-2007 179 0
Carmageddon Carmageddon : This skin replaces the GDI character Patch with the guy from Carmageddon. ... [more] (19.3 KB) 20-07-2007 179 0
Bumble Flamer Bumble Flamer : Gives the Flame Tank a yellow and black paint job - like a Bee. ... [more] (121.8 KB) 20-07-2007 179 0
Killer Circus Clown Patch Killer Circus Clown Patch : Changes Patch into a Clown, created from the Dolf skin with a more Circus Clown appeal. http://www. ... [more] (80.9 KB) 17-07-2007 176 0
Camo Flame Tank Camo Flame Tank : Gives Flame Tank a yellow colour and urban camo. ... [more] (170.2 KB) 20-07-2007 174 0
Brick Flame Tank Brick Flame Tank : Nod got the wrong idea and built Flame Tanks out of bricks! ... [more] (161.3 KB) 20-07-2007 169 0
Bob Sapp Gunner Bob Sapp Gunner : Changes Gunner, not only into a black man, but a K1 MMA Heavyweight GOD; Bob "the Beast" Sapp. http ... [more] (136.9 KB) 18-07-2007 168 0
Flame Flame Tank Flame Flame Tank : A rather fitting skin, this decks out the Nod Flame Tank with flames along the bottom. http://www.c ... [more] (149.4 KB) 20-07-2007 168 0
Green 6 Green 6 : Gives the entire Dead 6 green kit. ... [more] (308.3 KB) 20-07-2007 166 0
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