View Full Version : Structures

20-08-2006, 03:55 AM
Please post ideas here only pertaining to Nod Structures. Please place the name of the structure in the title of the post, and then describe it in the post.

20-08-2006, 03:55 AM
These are the ideas that were on the first CNC VISION site, made up of user submissions and ideas taken from the official forums, credit is given after the idea in parenthesis:

--Some structures such as the Construction yard or Temple of Nod can bury themselves underground (not completely, like half way) to increase their defense, reducing damage by 50%. However, they do this at the cost of production which is halted completely.

--Airstrips would be an awesome return as the Nod factory. The plane should have a chaff to avoid
SAM missiles.

--Nod turrets that pop up from underground.

--Perhaps four or more obelisks could fire a stronger beam together.

--Upgraded Obelisk of Light that can hit air units (prototype for this was in Tiberian Sun)

--Laser fences that can be turned on and off...if a unit is crossing while the fence is turned on, it will kill the unit.

--Parasites: These miniworms attach themselves to structures morphing the structure shape changing the appearance.

--Subterranean bunker attached to tower releases parasites that secrete a substance. This will convert the troops to usable over time. Reset timer used.

--Subterranean Highways:
Gives subterranean units greater speed when moving between two connected points.
(Like in the Tiberian Sun cut scene where the Devils Tongue gets blown up in the tunnel....the highways would be a tunnel like this).

-Impact Node: Launches a variety of Nodes. When launched they imbed themselves in the ground and deploy.

01-09-2006, 05:07 AM
How about a structure for nod that looks like the cloning vat in RA2 and when an infantry is ordered to enter the structure, he will be mutated if blue tiberium is collect first. The structure can only make so much mutants before running out of tiberium and needs a harvester to collect blue tiberium again. Upon destruction, it will spill tiberium everywhere and make a new tib field.

01-09-2006, 06:33 AM
How about a structure for nod that looks like the cloning vat in RA2 and when an infantry is ordered to enter the structure, he will be mutated if blue tiberium is collect first. The structure can only make so much mutants before running out of tiberium and needs a harvester to collect blue tiberium again. Upon destruction, it will spill tiberium everywhere and make a new tib field.

Pretty interesting idea...
How about creating controllable visceroids with it ?

01-09-2006, 03:43 PM
Why? making muts? prefer to make tanks thanks...

and underground Highway.... Tunnel networks from Generals? NO!

No ones mentioned Stealth generators! or uber cool looking nuke silo!