View Full Version : Explosives Article

20-08-2006, 04:04 AM
By Ekklitz:

I loved using demo traps in C&C generals. I remember one very memorable game as the GLA when they thought they beat me, but I ended up beating them. It was all due to my fake base, armored with demo traps. I had a base near theirs and�Well I seem to be going off topic. Well what do we know about explosives so far�.

They have three settings; proximity, timed and remote, each have their own advantages and disadvantages�

On generals they can deliver an EMP, toxin or neutron blast - tiberium in CNC3? They can be dropped from the air, land or fired from a unit. They are strategically important. There are ways to disarm them. Some explosives are suicide units.

Well ok.....your thinking "Terrible article!"

But I assure you there will be more groundbreaking idiocy that only I could think up coming soon.
Well ok�What could mines do?

Well, one thing that exists in real life but not in generals are water mines. These mines should be visible from close range like they were in real life, but because big boats are hard to turn it would probably be too late by the time you spotted it and you would bump into it and die. Water mines should be disabled by minesweepers, or shot at by aircraft. This would look cool. Imagine a boat launching a small rubber dingy/hovercraft off its side, connecting an electrical wire to the mine, going back to the minesweeper and BANG. Of course the minesweeper would require a crew to do this.. See my other article on Garrisoning.

Then I thought of anti air. There could be anti air mines...OK well how could a mine attack an aircraft??? Simple, aircraft flies over, mine uses up energy and fires a strong laser which destroys itself.
Ok I think you might get the point�

20-08-2006, 10:03 AM
Water mines would be a good idea except that there isn't much water in the game, the only water-bourne unit we've seen so far is part of the missions and cannot be controlled.

20-08-2006, 05:02 PM
why post articles that are incorrect? and then deleate a post (by me) that was correcting it?

20-08-2006, 05:56 PM
you were trying to correct someones idea which isnt possible, since it is their idea and they are posting what they think, not what you think

20-08-2006, 06:39 PM
No the basic facts about the mines in Generals are WRONG you expect to be taken seriously when you cant re-cap stuff from the most resent CNC?

its a 1/2 arsed piece of crap if you view the facts about ZH...

Demo Traps have remote/prox and can be Tox/Reg/HE. Mines have prox and are Neutron or Reg. C4 Charges (Burton and JK) are Explosive and have Timed/Remote. Tank Hunters have a C4 charge that is timed.


Oh and when i talked about the minesweeper I was saying MY ideas and the fact his idea is too complex for a CNC game..... much like most of the ideas on these forums. CNC Is not Complex it is a quick and easy game to get into but harder to acctually master... Visable mines that you cant aviod? wtf is the point? might as well be stealthed!

As for air mines.... Go play Emperor Battle For Dune

21-08-2006, 01:23 AM
I think, badger, that he might not have been talking about demo traps when he said the things aboutthe EMP...but maybe not, the article is almost as hard to understand as some of your posts...lol...(no offence meant...I just have trouble with some of your posts (and this article) because of shorthand and grammer and such...)

But I would like the ability to plant land mines wherever you wanted, and maybe even have a building upgrade that plants mines all around each structure you build. Was this in Generals? I seem to remember playing a game that this was in...hmmmm...

Air mines? wtf? Hmmm...sounds kinda rediculous to me...

Water mines seem pointless, unless C&C3 adds a lot more to the Navy and Naval units than were in previous games and the screenshots.

21-08-2006, 04:14 AM
Anon I know my **** when it comes to ZH and I know hes talking BS when he says EMP....

It was in gen where you could have mines... It was an upgrade on every chinese building.

Air mines aint all that a bad idea.... Would avoid a mass rush of orcas into the back of your base if theres a load of floating mines ;)

As for me and my grammar.... you shoulda seen it a year ago ;)

21-08-2006, 07:48 AM
As for me and my grammar.... you shoulda seen it a year ago ;)

I shudder to think... :p

And I knew that mine idea came from somewhere...

And Why not just use a ton of anti air? The mines around a building is a good thing for engy rushes and commandos, but why a need for mines to do a job that anti air could do just as well?

21-08-2006, 02:43 PM
Well AA mines are something that don't need power or repair...... Just something cheep thats very effective.

Its more passive than active its just something that might make someone delay there attack while they work out how to destroy it.... at which point you prob see them and can get some real defence up.

Also.... if there are chopper that can be loaded wouldnt you prefer to destroy them in the air? 1 rocket soldier can clear mines from around a building....

23-08-2006, 01:14 PM
Theres no need to rage about it

23-08-2006, 06:57 PM
Hey man there is NO need to call someone a "prick" or any other name. Keep it friendly. BOTH of you.

This is a warning.

25-02-2007, 05:54 PM
does any one have a link to the last three news letters? I could really use them.

26-02-2007, 02:02 AM
¬¬ I know its a few months... but still.... who the heck is freak? and why is he going on at me? I corrected a n00b about something I am more pro at than anyone else here.

Also yo The guy above.... check the CNC3 website at EA their all in the news section.

27-02-2007, 08:38 PM
thats my article i was wasted both the night i wrote it and the night i followed you making not verry nice posts :(


27-02-2007, 08:47 PM
I hope you're not following me.... :rolleyes:

And well If you make articles when you are drunk then you should reap the whirlwind ;)