View Full Version : Mechs

20-08-2006, 06:00 AM
Can ya stop with all the Mech talk please! We aint seen a single Mech nor had Apoc mention them.... Mechs are dead to the GDI.

GDI has double barreled tanks they pwn Mechs (well at least terestrial Mechs ;) )

20-08-2006, 06:20 AM
Actually APOC or someone mentioned there were going to be 2 mechs in the game. Kinda like superunits. One for GDI and one for Nod. ;)

20-08-2006, 06:23 AM
Well not quite what I kept hearing, 2 Mechs are ok... but you cant deny that the vast MAJORITY of units are TANKS

only 2? Meh, Guessing Scrin info being kept Tight :p

20-08-2006, 09:51 AM
The Juggernaut is a mech and that's been confirmed!

20-08-2006, 04:45 PM
Okay just so everyone knows 100% what i'm on about...

When I refer to Mechs like this I'm saying there not frontline units... the Jug is a suport unit and so not counted..... no one has mentioned the Zone Trooper who is also a Mech ;)

20-08-2006, 05:52 PM
the zone trooper isnt really a mech, just a guy in a huge armored suit, he can move around freely in the suit

I would actually like to see 3 mechs for GDI and one for Nod. Mechs are pretty sweet and a continuation from Tiberian Sun. They helped GDI win the second Tiberian War and they shouldnt just get rid of all of them. The titan should be made bigger and be more of a support unit also, where it is extremely slow but packs a huge punch with its weaponry.

I love the new mammoth though, much better than the MK2. It can turn its turret and shoot anywhere while driving, it doesnt look hideus, it looks like its faster after seeing the new gameplay footage, and im guessing it wont have the bugs the MK2 had where it couldnt quite shoot things that were on different terrain levels.

20-08-2006, 06:57 PM
Pffft... Mechs suck! It was the original Mammy in TD and Renegade and that pwned!

The Zone trooper is a mech.... its a human aided buy a Mechanical suit.... which is the deff of a Mech TBH.... ZOE has the suits they are Mechs as there is a human inside controling them.
Mechs (http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=mech&sa=N&tab=wi). The human inside the armour has no way of controling it without some sort of AI assisting him moving the limbs. Also they seem to be able to be upgraded with a jet pack..... I think they are the replacements for jumpjet inf TBH

20-08-2006, 07:12 PM
alright I see what you mean

21-08-2006, 12:07 AM
Zone Troopers are upgraded jumpjet troopers, that's all...a human in a big suit...i seriosuly doubt there is any AI in that stupid suit they wear...

I still don't consider zone troopers a mech...they're only infantry...just like the jumpjets were

21-08-2006, 01:58 AM
thats kinda what I was thinking, but I just wasnt sure if they could lift all that armor up by themselves lol....I love the unit though its gonna be a lot of fun to use, I wonder what their weapon is, im sure there is different upgrades for it!

21-08-2006, 02:43 AM
Heheh yeah, the unit idea is great, IMNSHO. It is just there are some small details that are kinda whacked up, lol. I was thinking that the normal weapon would be a strong rifle-like thing. Slower rate of fire than normal infantry, but a more powerful shot. It could upgrade to a sniper? Either that, or explosive rounds? Maybe just light armor (like, buggy, or APC) piercing rounds?

21-08-2006, 04:08 AM
Zone Troopers are upgraded jumpjet troopers, that's all...a human in a big suit...i seriosuly doubt there is any AI in that stupid suit they wear...

I still don't consider zone troopers a mech...they're only infantry...just like the jumpjets were


Look at the pics of the Zone Troopers..... you think you could use that without Assistance? and for AI I dont mean its literaly being run by a computer just that movements are interperated by the AI and then transfered to the suit.

They are a Mec if they have anything moved by a machine in the suit.

22-08-2006, 02:23 PM
The titan should be made bigger and be more of a support unit also, where it is extremely slow but packs a huge punch with its weaponry.

I thought that the whole point in mechs is that they are faster and more mobile than tanks. They can go into forests and up mountains and stuff. S whats the point in making a mech slower?

22-08-2006, 09:52 PM
I just meant for balance issues...

I mean, the predator tank is going to be the main tank, it will be pretty quicky and pretty powerful....so I figured hey GDI could still have the titan just make it slower but more powerful than the predator

The mammoth would be the slowest and most powerful

23-08-2006, 11:20 PM
i want mechs for gdi, they just look way better and suit gdi better. i like the mammy how it is but i think the titan was way cooler than the predator tank

01-09-2006, 09:06 PM
A Mech is NOT a Zone Trooper. A mech is 10 times as big. And a human is only in the cockpit. Mech's are mostly big legs. Turret and a machine gun on every arm etc.

Have you even looked at the official Art work? There is a Mech in one of them.

Have you ever seen the Armor for Quake Games? There exactly the same as a Zone Trooper's suit i.e. UT2004-5-6-7