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May Day III May Day III : This map is very rich when it comes to money. It is a very fun map that has lots of water with very ... [more] (51.2 KB) 23-07-2007 826 0
All Roads Lead To Destruction All Roads Lead To Destruction : A highly detailed symetrical map. All bases are seperated by bridges and two bases share a tech isla ... [more] (155.2 KB) 23-07-2007 1,292 0
Tech Forest Tech Forest : Very Fast build time, faster animation times, Harvesters Move much quicker and hold more. AI is smar ... [more] (35.9 KB) 23-07-2007 831 0
Tech Forest Tech Forest : A simple 2 player map, players start at either end. At the bottom there are civies sunning themselve ... [more] (31.2 KB) 23-07-2007 528 0
Red Alert 2 Patch 1.006 Red Alert 2 Patch 1.006 : Makes a number of fixes and introduces automatic firewall support. Includes all changes made in prev ... [more] (2.70 MB) 23-07-2007 2,111 0
Firestorm Savegames Firestorm Savegames : This pack contains saves on all the levels in Firestorm. You can then load up any mission you like w ... [more] (9.90 MB) 23-07-2007 1,151 0
PharoTeknical PharoTeknical : Instead of a fully standalone song, I intended this song to be played while playing the game. I feel ... [more] (4.48 MB) 23-07-2007 434 0
10 Player Mod 10 Player Mod : This patch allows you to host and take part in games containing upto 10 players! (213.7 KB) 23-07-2007 661 0
Colour Mod Colour Mod : Adds 56 additional team colours for you to choose from. (168.2 KB) 23-07-2007 830 0
8 Player Mod 8 Player Mod : This patch allows you to host and take part in games containing upto 8 players! (5.5 KB) 23-07-2007 430 0
Tiberian Sun Patch 2.03 Tiberian Sun Patch 2.03 : Fixes all known bugs with the game including online fixes. Includes all changes made in previous pat ... [more] (5.44 MB) 23-07-2007 2,013 0
VQA player decoder plugin VQA player decoder plugin : "Game Media Formats Core Filters Package" This plugin allows you to play raw VQA movies (TD/RA1/D2k ... [more] (116.8 KB) 23-07-2007 1,139 0
Shrinker Shrinker : Reduces the filesize of maps. For example a 100Kb map will be compressed to 15Kb! Do not use on maps ... [more] (351.4 KB) 23-07-2007 216 0
Quigobi's Tiberian Sun Tips Quigobi's Tiberian Sun Tips : A cool little app with lots of tips for every kind of game situation. (37.3 KB) 23-07-2007 382 0
DSK Multiline DSK Multiline : With DSK-Multiline you can post away messages in Tiberian Sun game channels, copy and paste somethin ... [more] (176.7 KB) 23-07-2007 265 0
TS_Defenda (TS Firewall) TS_Defenda (TS Firewall) : Protects you against all the nasty things that lurk on the WOL server (none of these things are a pr ... [more] (320.0 KB) 23-07-2007 328 0
Final Sun Final Sun : The most popular map editor for Tiberian Sun and Firestorm, create multiplayer maps and singleplayer ... [more] (1.31 MB) 23-07-2007 747 0
Old CnC Old CnC : You know, the old times are always better, as are the old games, this mod lets you play with some of ... [more] (51.6 KB) 23-07-2007 579 0
Covert Ops II Covert Ops II : 70 new units (like Dogs, Thiefs,...), better AI, new lightning and many other things make this mod s ... [more] (204.4 KB) 23-07-2007 1,568 0
Balle Balle : Nicely designed cliff-map. Several pinch points and civilian outpost make for interesting defending ... [more] (85.4 KB) 23-07-2007 420 0
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