Command and Conquer Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Member Types

At Command & Conquer Forums we have several type of member group, below are the specific details of each:

Attachment quota: 0Mb
PM storage limit: 0
Avatar dimensions: 0
Avatar filesize: 0Kb
Posting: Restricted
WYSIWYG Interface: No

Attachment quota: 20Mb
PM storage limit: 50
Avatar dimensions: 80x80
Avatar filesize: 20Kb

Attachment quota: 30Mb
PM storage limit: 50
Avatar dimensions: 100x100
Avatar filesize: 20Kb

Attachment quota: 100Mb
PM storage limit: 50
Avatar dimensions: 100x100
Avatar filesize: 20Kb

Forum Rules

You must abide by the forum rules at all times, they can be read by clicking the "Forum Rules" link in the navigation bar above.

What's with the advert?

In order to provide you with the best forums available we have invested in the vBulletin software. This software is an expensive recurring cost and to recover the cost of purchasing a license we have taken the decision to place a single 468*60 advert at the bottom of Command & Conquer Forums.

If you see anything that interests you please click it.

Signature Regulations

For the sake of loading times and ease of reading please keep your signature reasonable:
  • 1 image or 2 smaller ones,
  • 500x130 pixels is a reasonable size,
  • Maximum 150 pixels in height.

User Infraction System

The Infraction System is a fair way to warn users for breaking the rules. Should a moderator or administrator judge that you have broken a rule you will receive a set number of points, should you accumulate a certain number of points your forum privileges will be removed. No need to panic though; the points have an expiry date, so if you behave all your privileges will be restored.

The infractions are as follows:
Flaming - 1 point - 1 month
Spamming - 1 point - 1 month
Inappropriate language - 1 point - 1 month
Posting/requesting illegal stuff - 1 point - 1 month

The punishments are as follows:
1 point - PM Warning
2 points - Arcade, signature, avatar removed and ability to rate and favourite CnCWorld downloads)
3 points - Posting abilities removed (+ Arcade, signature, avatar removed and ability to rate and favourite CnCWorld downloads)
4 points - 5 Day Ban and ability to download from CnCWorld removed
5 points - 10 Day Ban and ability to download from CnCWorld removed
6 points - Permanent Ban

Why hasn't my first post appeared?

Unfortunately spam bots appear to be able to bypass the automated human verification checks (the random image and question) and so have been spamming the boards. In order to prevent this every user's first post needs to be manually approved. We approve posts at least one a day, thanks for your patience and understanding.

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.