Remember the community appreciation project put up on multiple forums? We put all of the shout outs into a flash presentation and sent it to EA to show our appreciation for CNC3. You can download the presentation here.
There were a few small problems. ASHPD signed with a funny picture of Borat, and there is a huge list of people that signed without shout outs that did not make the presentation because it made the flash laggy as heck! I sent the list to Predator though, so don't worry, you were not left out! Here is the list:
pigletcnc, tesla7zap, dthaiger1, wackguy, masterhero, chickendippers, plyhss, hiromoon2, ungdi, Greenwomp, Keevanofnod, Zerodv00, Dan5x, Renimess, Tiberumveins
Secretweapon1, Amadain121, Scorpionplyr1, Nastyioncannon, Whoopu22, Iconofevil, Frankazz, Goraysp, Hanselvogis, Tiddalick0, Regenesis, Wraith1uk, Scottspeig, Fishfacex141, Decade75, Theredsoldier, Codezbiohazard, Codderz3, Comradstalin, Hiromoon4p, Ayazheims, Jakaynoob, Colonelwen, Jsonhenry3, Mercenarycorps
zmanplayerZ, baddayII, daveromino90, stubbnubbz, mohan88player, sorrow144, timb3rwolf, madbadger
Hope you all enjoy the presentation!
Predator had this to say:
"please send my thanks to all the guys who signed this and the development thanks you with all of our
heart, seriously, this is AMAZING."