Hi. I\'d like to advertise a brand new C&C fansite! This site is specifically designed for tournaments, competition and replay sharing. Here are some of it\'s features:
- Advanced Replay Reader (ARR), when posting a CNC3 replay all info will be stored in the database. Info like the playernames, used factions, clannames, teams, on what map you have played etc. etc.. This info will be displayed in your topic.
With this Advanced Replay Reader more options are already available, such as:
- Singleplayer tournaments.(functional now with ladder available)
- Clan tournaments.( not yet available, working on it)
The system has been coded that if you want to participate in the tournaments, you have to register with a forumname that matches your online gamename. When reporting the outcome of a tournament match all you have to do is post the replay of that match in the approriate tournament section. The ARR will detect all info and update the ladder.
Besides replays the site will pay attention to strategies, both singleplayer as multiplayer and clan support.
So come in and check it out! http://eaclan.nl/?action=portal