It's pretty simple. We all know the song of "The 12 Days of Christmas." This game is like it. All you have to do is continue the song from the last person that posted. This will continue until someone reaches the 12th day. Once a poster does the 12th day, the next poster must start the song over with his/her variations.
Here's how it goes. Let's say the first post was this:
On the 1st day of Christmas, my aunt gave to me - a partridge on a pear tree.
To continue the song, the next person would post:
On the 2nd day of Christmas, da Lion gave to me - 2 tiny kittens, and a partridge on a pear tree.
And so on until the 12th day, whereas the next poster starts over. Here's the basic rules:
- The person that post next would change day #, the person, and add in an item.
- You cannot change the items already present, nor can you repeat any items.
- Every item has to have a number. No exceptions.
- Once the song reaches to the end (all 12 days), the next poster must start over with the 1st day and a person and item of their choice.
- If anyone decides to abuse this thread, I'll request this thread to be locked at the second instance...
All you need to do is just copy, paste, and edit (or just quote then edit ). It's not that hard to follow, so don't mess it up... or else.
I'll start...
On the 1st day of Christmas, Nintendo gave to me - a Revolution on top of a Christmas tree.