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Thread: Mod SDK/Worldbuilder FAQ

  1. #1
    Newsposter Nickolas256's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Mod SDK/Worldbuilder FAQ

    Originally posted by PurpleScrin in the official cnc forums, I'd though it would do some good to bring it here.

    This is the Q&A thread that will answer some of the Mod SDK and WB questions regarding to C&C3 and KW. Just rememeber that some links that lead to are in German language.

    C&C3/KW Modding Q&A

    1. What do I need to run a C&C3 mod sdk?
    C&C3 mod sdk v5 works only under C&C3 patch 1.09. All you need is a C&C3 mod sdk v5 (, Bibber's extra CNC3 files ( MS DotNet Framework 2.0 latest patch version ( and Visual C++ 2005 SP1 (

    When extracting Bibber's extra CNC3 files, put them into the MOD SDK folder where it is installed in your C&C3 game directory. Files required for C&C3 mod sdk are already in Bibber's extra CNC3 files. Overwrite the files when necessary.

    2. What are the system requirements for C&C3/KW Worldbuilder and C&C3 Mod SDK?
    They are the same as C&C3 (P4 2.0 ghz, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D video card). However for KW Worldbuilder, it requires P4 2.2 ghz, 1.5 GB RAM and 64+ MB 3D video card)

    3. Is there a C&C3 mod sdk and/or C&C3/KW Worldbuilder for MAC or Linux for download?
    No. Most game mods are not MAC or Linux compatible. Who needs those OS anyway? EALA does not support these very much.

    4. How do I get started on C&C3 modding? Where can I get some C&C3 modding tutorials?
    Nighthawk from Revora forums had posted a thread regarding notes before starting making mods:
    There are several links prior to the start of good modding:[]=4&games[]=5&order=&type=1

    5. Where can I get a better buildmod program other than EALA's own buildmod.bat?
    You can try Codecat's version and it's the best customized buildmod yet (thanks to mustang2142 for the link):
    Thundermods have their own version of the buildmod.bat:
    There are also a manifest and crash fixes for the buildmod.bat, get them there: Crash fix:
    Manifest fix:
    There is a buildmod collection pack in the Mod Sdk Tools thread and it will be available again for download by the time you read this.

    6. What are the latest versions of OS Big Editor and FinalBIG?
    The latest version of OS Big Editor is version 0.63 as a beta. You can get it here:
    FinalBIG's last version was 1.01. I recommend using JonWil's BigExtractor (which can be found as a CNC3Tools pack download in "CNCmods" website) to extract files from BIG files for all recent C&C games. Both FinalBIG and OS Big Editor are essentially well in making BIG files.

    7. How do I open 'bin', 'imp', 'manifest', 'relo' and 'cdata' files after extracted from the OS BIG editor?
    BinOpener can open any manifest file as long as there is a bin file supporting it. You can ignore the 'imp' and 'relo' files. You can extract almost anything from the BinOpener. Cdata files are considered encrypted music and sound files. There is no program that can convert from .cdata into .wav or .mp3 files. However, a tool called 'audioextract' (from JonWil's tools) can extract audio from the game. That works only for C&C3/KW but not for RA3 since RA3 files are encrypted with special codes.

    8. Can you convert GOB files to XML after they are extracted from the BinOpener?
    No. Converting from XML coding to a mod was encrypted using game object files as streams. Doing the reverse will not work, as we don't have any tools to do this. This applies to C&C3 and KW only.

    9. Is there any other way to edit models, for example in Blender, or convert 3ds models to filetype supported by any freeware/easier-accessible program? Will they support animation or are there any known problems with such actions? Will they work with Mod SDK?
    Gmax, Blender or any other type of model editing programs are not supported with the C&C3 Mod SDK as well as the RA3 Mod SDK. Only 3DsMax 7 and 9 are compatible with the C&C3 Mod SDK due to the plugins EALA used to develop C&C3/KW as well as RA3. You can edit them for animations, rigging and other stuff only for those programs.

    10. How do I get rid of EA's Logo clip when I load C&C3 or KW?
    You need to download a "no logo" mod for both C&C3 and KW in order to take this effect. However, if you want to mod it yourself, try this:
    1. Use a BIG editor to open Misc.big from the "Core\1.0" folder from either C&C3 or KW directory.
    2. Extract and open video.ini from the "data\ini" directory of the file.
    3. Either delete the EA Logo and ESRB lines based from those lines:
    view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
    Video EALogoMovie
    Filename = EALogo
    Comment = "This is the EA logo movie"
    Volume = 35

    Video ESRBMovie
    Filename = ESRB // ESRB Rating movie.
    Comment = "This is the ESRB Rating movie"
    Volume = VIDEO_VOLUME

    or put the // in each of those lines to disable the command. Once done, save the file.
    4. You can either do two things:
    a) Make a BIG file using a BIG editor and import the video.ini in the directory "Data\INI" and save as any name you want as a BIG file. Then put it into the Core\1.0 directory. But then you have to edit the Config.txt file and add this line as "add-big yourmodname.big".
    b) You can import it back into the Misc.big and overwrite it. But BIG editor programs don't do that. So you have to extract all files from the Misc.big to the hard drive and overwrite the video.ini with the edited one. Then make a BIG file using a BIG editor and save as Misc.big. In case of problems, make sure you backup the old misc.big before placing the modified one in the same folder.
    5. Run either C&C3 or KW. You will see that the EA Logo clip will not show up and the game goes straight to the main menu.

    11. Where can I get a wall mod for C&C3/KW?
    There was used to be Deezire's Wall Mod for C&C3 but that time it was for the C&C3 demo and old versions of C&C. Because of the C&C3 mod sdk, anyone can make a wall mod of their own. I will release a public wall mod by the time you read this. There is no wall mod for KW because KW mod support is disabled to all mods. There are some walls in KW if you use the KW WB but only the GDI and Nod have walls and the Scrin does not due to missing resources.

    12. How do you enable subtitles in movies for C&C3/KW?
    They are not available in English versions but for foreign versions only. The good news is that Kodaemon had released subtitles for both C&C3 and KW and they work for the English versions for C&C3/KW. You can get them in the Mod Sdk Tools page. However the subtitles are messed up and some parts of the text(s) cannot be shown in all types of monitors. Once you put the subtitles in C&C3/KW, you cannot disable them in the options menu (because it's not available) unless you remove the files.

    13. How to increase the bloom shaders effect ingame?
    Lauren (aka Asuka and Ju-Jin) made a "FX mod" for C&C3/KW that will increase the bloom shaders effect ingame. Get it at:

    14. How can I add in Engineer Capture Delay feature in C&C3?
    Thundermods made a mod to support this feature and you can get it here at:
    However in KW and RA3, Engineer Capture Delay cannot be removed because it's hardcoded.

    15. How do you disable a structure or unit in a mod?
    By editing LogicCommand.xml from the Globaldata folder of the Mod Sdk, it has all the factional structures and units in the game. Select the line for the unit specified in a structure you wish to delete and that will disable the structure or unit ingame once you compiled your mod.

    16. Why is there a black sky texture ingame during watching cinematics?
    EALA did not put sky textures in C&C3/KW as well as RA3/Uprising. It was featured in Generals/Zero Hour when players have viewed them in cinematic videos. I wish any modder could add sky textures into C&C3/KW but no one has attempted to do that.

    17. How do you make a model in 3DMax and export it to w3x?
    A basic tutorial (such as this C&C tank) should get you started:

    C&C3/KW Worldbuilder Q&A

    1. Where can I download C&C3 and KW Worldbuider?
    For the C&C3 WB (latest version is 2.0):
    For the KW WB (latest version is 1.01):

    2. Where can I get some C&C3/KW Worldbuilder tutorials?
    There's a thread in Revora that has some details on tutorials from other links:

    There are some from as well.
    Basic guides for WB:
    Economy guides for WB:
    Scripts for WB for people who wanted to make mission maps:

    3. How to change the starting money in MP/Skirmish?
    That only depends on changing the Player's values in C&C3/KW Worldbuilder, not the mod sdk. In the mod sdk, the MultiplayerSettings.xml file is responsible for the starting value which is defaulted to 1500 (only for custom SP missions).

    4. How do you change the Scrin victory music?
    Scrin victory music should be "victory_evil_v1", not "victory_evil" for the Nod victory music. This change only works in C&C3/KW Worldbuilder, not the C&C3 mod sdk. This means that all SP and MP maps of C&C3/KW needs a script to mention of a music change (named victory_evil_v1) whenever the Scrin wins a SP mission, skirmish or MP.

    5. I need some sample scripts for C&C3/KW. Where can I get them?
    If EALA was supportive on C&C3/KW WB, they should release the mission map source pack just like the RA3 mission map source pack. You can extract all C&C3/KW maps from the Maps.big file with a BIG editor and attempt to open with with the WB but those maps took a long time to open since those maps have imported scripts in them. You can view the scripts for understanding but they are complex and hard to use and learn.

    And here are some of the remaining Q&A from Jonwil:

    Here is the beginnings of a MOD SDK FAQ based on my work (and the work of others) with the SDK so far. It is based on the new 2.0 SDK and the changes contained therein. Please do not post anything in this thread other than questions and their matching answers, I want to keep this thread clean. Please do add any other questions and matching answers that aren't already covered though, I want to make this as comprehensive as possible.

    1. Why cant I find certain buildings/units? Certain buildings were renamed at some point in the development cycle and the XML files have different names, as follows:
    GDIArmory.xml GDI tech center
    GDIMedicalBay.xml GDI armory
    GDITerraformingStation.xml GDI sonic emitter
    GDIAirTower.xml GDI airfield
    GDIGolumCannon. xml GDI Guardian Cannon
    NODDropZone.xml Nod War Factory
    NODHangar.xml Nod Air Tower
    NODRocketBunker. xml Nod Sam Turret
    NODTechAssemblyPlant.xml Nod Tech Lab
    NODTiberiumLiquidationFacility.xml Nod Tiberium Chemical Plant
    NODRaiderTank.xml Nod Scorpion Tank
    NODScorpionBuggy.xml Nod Raider Buggy
    AlienControlCenter.xml Alien Nerve Center
    AlienGateway.xml Alien Warp Sphere
    AlienPowerProjector.xml Alien Reactor
    AlienReactor.xml Alien Tech Assembler
    AlienSporePod.xml Alien Growth Accelerator
    AlienTiberiumTower.xml Alien Extractor
    AlienWarpBeacon.xml Alien Gravity Stabilizer
    AlienRazorDrones.xml Alien Disintegrator

    2. Such errors like:
    --I get the windows error reporting dialog when I run buildmod.bat, what do I do?
    --I get an error "Error: Could not load XIncludingReader from Mvp.Xml. Dll", what do I do?
    --I get an error "Critical: System.IO. FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'antlr.runtime', what do I do?
    --I get an error "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.", what do I do?
    You need to install the prerequisites for the SDK. The easiest way to do that is you read Question 1 from the Mod Sdk Q&A, download what's required and install them.

    3. I get an error "Error: GameObject has an unnamed module", how do I fix it?
    This error is harmless and can be ignored as long as it only appears once for a given GameObject.

    4. I get an error "Error: Input file '' not found", how do I fix it?
    Firstly try downloading the dummy art pack: and unzipping into the art folder of your C&C3 folder. This will make the errors related to art included in the game files but missing from the SDK go away. If you still get the same "file not found" error, check your mod for spelling mistakes and files in the wrong place. If you are getting errors from a standard EA item regarding art (civilian building, prop, road, civilian unit, single player only faction building/unit etc) there is nothing you can do as that art does not exist outside of EA.

    5. I get an error "Warning: Unknown asset '' referenced from '', what do I do?
    The first possibility is that you made a typo somewhere in your XML, go back and check it. Also, it can indicate that your SDK is corrupt, check the builtmods\cnc3xml folder. It should contain a file global. manifest that is 1,031,457 bytes in size and a file static. manifest that is 1,466,100 bytes in size. If it does not contain those files, contains the files but they are the wrong size or contains any other files, you may need to run the SDK installer and select "repair" to correct the problem.

    6. The SDK does not work and produces no .big file (or a .big file that is really small and contains just shaderwritingexample.fx), how do I fix it?
    The main cause of this problem is errors output by BinaryAssetBuilder.exe when you run buildmod.bat. Go back and check the output from buildmod.bat for errors.

    7. I get an error "Critical: System. FormatException:", how do I fix it?
    You need to go into control panel then regional and language options then press "customize". Make sure that your decimal separator is set to a full stop and not a comma or anything else. This will make the errors go away.

    8. How can I create seperate low-detail models for my mod?
    You create art that is the same as the normal art but low-detail. The objects (meshes, skeletons, bones, animations etc) have the same name as the normal art. The only difference is that you append _l to the end of the filename. So if the normal art is test.w3x, the low-detail art is test_l.w3x. The SDK will then take care of the rest and compile your low-detail art correctly.

    9. I created a new Player Power Button Template or Unit Ability Button Template but it did not work in-game. How do I make it work?
    Copy either PlayerPowerButtonTemplates. xml or UnitAbilityButtonTemplates.xml to your mod (and add the relavent tag in the relavent place). Then open the file and change where it says id=" PlayerPowerButtonTemplateStore" or id=" UnitAbilityButtonTemplateStore" to some other name. What you call it does not matter. Then you add your new buttons to these files and everything should work.

    10. How do I load my mod into worldbuilder?
    Edit the file CNC3_wb_1.0.cfg (or the latest version) and add the line try-add-config where is the full path to the .skudef file of your mod. Worldbuilder will read your mod and allow you to place new units etc on maps.

    There is no C&C3 Worldbuilder mod sdk available since WBData.big was installed with C&C3, but the RA3 WB mod sdk did have one and the RA3 WBData.big was separated from the game installation. However, this method does not work currently with KW Worldbuilder since KW mod support is disabled.

    11. How do I edit LUA scripts?
    Open scripts.lua from the SDK and edit it. Make sure that it ends up as data\scripts.lua in your .big file. You may also wish to edit data\scriptevents.xml (extract that from the core\1.8\patch8.big file). Together both files give some potentially nice options for modders. For example you can trigger an event based on a given model condition or set of conditions (via the ModelConditionEvent tag) and based on a given object status (via the ObjectStatusEvent tag). It is not known what functions can be used inside these LUA scripts.

    12. How do I edit the XBOX 360 version of the game?
    You cannot edit the XBOX 360 version of the game as all of the game data files are digitally signed using a key only Microsoft and EA have.

    13. How do I extract files from the .big files of C&C3 and KW?
    Go to (when it comes back) or here and download my "SDK extras" tools. Inside is a tool that can extract files from the .big files of C&C3 and KW (and also likely RA3 although I dont have the game yet and cannot confirm that) Do NOT use FinalBig with C&C3, it WONT work.

    14. How do I extract audio from the game?
    You can extract most sound effects (but NOT music) from the game using my audio extraction tool which is available as part of my "SDK extras" tools pack. Its available from (which is currently down) and also from

    15. I compiled a map with buildmap.bat and now all the buildings and roads are invisible, what do I do?
    The latest SDK contains a fix which should make this work properly so this should no longer be an issue.

    16. How do I create a new (or modified) object that uses art from a prop, tree, rock, civilian building, civilian unit, bridge or single player-only faction building?
    You need to use the buildmodcivasset.bat file when building your mod. Other than that, it should be the same as building any other mod.

    17. How do I extract 3d models from the game and load them into 3d studio max?
    You cannot extract complete 3d models from the game in a format that 3d studio max can use. If you wish to see examples of game art, download the sample art packages from the EA mod web site. Some tools DO exist (w3dm2ase and others) that can copy parts of a compiled w3x file into something 3d studio max and other 3d programs can use however they are unable to recover all the information (especially animation).

    My answer to this question: Since the BinOpener cannot extract actual .w3x files, it was split into w3dm, w3da, w3db, w3dc and w3dh files. As what MightyBob from Revora Forums once said in a Q&A thread post: There's a program called 3D Object Converter that costs $50. It can convert .w3dm into many other formats but there is no program that can convert files into .w3x. You could use Jonwil's extra tools ( to just directly extract the .w3dm as a .w3x. You cannot extract anything with animations. You can't do anything with any of the files other than the .w3dm files. In any case you're going to have to re-rig and re-animate any model you extract in 3dsmax and re-export it.

    18. How do I edit Kane's Wrath?
    You cannot edit Kane's Wrath at this time as it does not contain the mod support code. However, Lauren and his team are working on a KW mod sdk at this point of time and if it goes successful for a public release, KW can be modded and edited.

    Note 1: There are more Q&A coming from the Revora forums. You may check them out:

    Note 2: This thread will be updated frequently as more questions will be answered and will be added.

    If you have any other questions not mentioned here, discuss it here.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default error on world builder

    i get this error message when i try to run the program.

    Unable to open configuration file c:\program files (x86)\command and conquer 3 tiberium wars\lang-english\1.7\..\1.6\..\1.5\..\1.1\..\1.0\config.txt
    23 addresses:
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+826012 Debug::PreStaticInit+2306
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4194947 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2028
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196606 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+3687
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196998 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4079
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4195005 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2086
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196606 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+3687
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196998 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4079
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4195005 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2086
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196606 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+3687
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196998 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4079
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4195005 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2086
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196606 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+3687
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196998 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4079
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4195005 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2086
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196689 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+3770
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4196998 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4079
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4195005 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+2086
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+4197514 ClosestPointOnLineSegment+4595
    (unknown)(0): WorldBuilder.exe+718993 StringBase<char>::endsWith+15159
    (unknown)(0): MFC80.DLL+249035 (unknown)
    (unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+79479 BaseThreadInitThunk+18
    (unknown)(0): ntdll.dll+236914 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
    (unknown)(0): ntdll.dll+236869 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

    i have installed all that was recommended still doesnt work

  3. #3
    Dipper of Chickens chickendippers's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Sheffield, UK


    Have you patched the game?

    Webmaster of - [CnCWorld]

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