wanna play the old c&c classic and all others online over hamatchi or comondo easy vpn?
i created a net work on hamatchi and on comondo easyvpn!
hamatchi network:
name: CnC Gaming Zone!
pass: cncgreat
comondo easyvpn network:
name: 2010cnc
pass: cncgreat
if you use c&c first decade you will need this patch -> http://www.cncsector.net/cnp/tfd
when you wanna play with standalone c&c tiberian dawn download this -> http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/
when you wanna standanlone c&c red alert 1 download this -> http://redalert.cncxs.com/get/fullra
join & enjoy :-)