Hi all,
I used to play all the older command and conquer games.. and recently decided to get the RA3 pack. I bought the basic game.. installed and after lengthy install.. got an error at startup that the game is not connected to the internet.. verify internet connection. OK.. checked everything.. even got a new modem from Comcast (ARRIS). Opened ports.. checked all over with nothing.
I just got the premier edition.. thinking something could be wrong.. and same results.
Computer is windows xp pro.. wireless. I brought the pc to the modem and connected to the ethernet directly. Still nothing.. same error message.
Is there anyway to bypass this with a patch or something?! I have two cd keys (no don't ask for them).. Don't really want to play online.. but the game will not verify itself or connect.
EA support is completely useless.. after spending days with them.. running UO trace.. and checking things.. they end the convo with "Our technicians are aware of the problem and are working hard to resolve it".
Can anyone help with this? I did access the ARRIS IP and there are no settings that can be changed.. seems to be locked.. even in the advanced menus.