Please post ideas here only pertaining to GDI Units. Please place the name of the unit in the title of the post, and then describe it in the post.
Please post ideas here only pertaining to GDI Units. Please place the name of the unit in the title of the post, and then describe it in the post.
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
These are the ideas that were on the first CNC VISION site, made up of user submissions and ideas taken from the official forums, credit is given after the idea in parenthesis:
-Zone trooper needs a helmet that covers his entire head, unless he plans on breathing in Tiberium! Also, why are the
shoulders so high, it blocks visibility!
(Opinion made by many forum members)
--The GDI buggy looks a lot worse and less technologically advanced as the Nod buggy from Tiberian Sun. A unit could just throw a grenade or shoot right at the driver as he isn't protected at all. The game is further in the future than Tiberian Sun, units should be more advanced than being less advanced!
(Opinion made by many forum members)
--Titan MK2:
Single massive cannon mounted on a four or six legged chassis. Missile pods for air defense=optional.
(opinion by many forum members)
--Carryall has the ability to be assigned to a harvester, so that it can carry it acrossed lakes or mountains automatically. This could be an upgrade to the carryall.
--Return of hover technology!
(Idea made by most of the community)
--Disk throwers need to be in the game, not grenadiers, this would follow continuity!
(opinion by many forum members)
--Hover/flying mech:
A mech that flies or hovers above the ground. It should be quite small because GDI already has a bigger mech. As weaponry it should have dual miniguns.
--Prototype ion cannon infantry for anti-vehicle.
--The Orca Scout:
Gatling gun for both air and ground.
The Orca Gunship:
Ability to change the mavericks for hellfire or sidewinders (interchangeable possibly).
--Archeologist: Uses radar scanner to locate tiberium
Technician: Can manufacture unit/structure additions
--Sniper Upgrades:
-Uses a dart that releases mini nanites that damage target over time
-Shoots a mini bomb that "sticks" to target and explodes in time
--Troop Upgrades (Purchased at barracks):
-ION Gunner: ION based "treatment" hardens bullets causing more damage.
-ION Grenadier: Upgrades grenades with "ION splash effect" causing damage over time.
-Orca Netter: Is capable of "netting" enemy troops. Returning them to a prison facility. Where they are "converted" to usable troops.
--Name: Stealth Destroyer Tank (SDT)
A powerful (especially against stealth units) and fast tank that when selected will reveal all stealth tanks in a large radius. This affect is gone once the tank is unselected or selected with a group of other units. The SDT also has a short radius that reveals all stealth units for all to see like the Sensor Array in TS but this tank doesn't have to be deployed for it. But, when this tank is deployed, it has a large radius that reveals all stealth units for all to see and it is immobile, just like the sensor array, except that it can fire when deployed. this tank is lightly armored except when deployed.
--Name: Key Sub
Purpose: Two modes of attack: surface and underwater. When underwater it is stealthed but has a short line of sight. When surfaced it is not stealthed, but has a longer line of sight. When underwater it can fire torpedoes at other naval units, when surfaced it can use its powerful anti air missles. as well as fire two long range cruise missles.
--Name: Hover Artillery
Purpose: Long range fire support This is the basic deployed=dangerous/ undeploy=useless artillery piece. A single effective cannon mounted on a all terrain hover chassis. Can only deploy on stable terrain to prevent overpowering naval assaults.
--Mammoth tank that can deploy into heavy artillery
--Jump Tanks:
Akin to the light tank in Red Alert 1, but packing the "vtol" tech from the orcas.
--Hover Strike APC:
-Open hover vehicle with about 4-6 seats for infantry to jump in.
-Could look a bit like this:
-Fast and lightly armored. Infantry can fire out. Has a special ability "Rapid deployment", which means that the unit charges and then breaks hard, thus tilting it forward and launching the infantry out all at once. They jump put in front of the vehicle and continue fighting on foot.
-The hover APC is unarmed when it's empty. Can move on any slick terrain; water or land - but not on too rough of ground.
--Mobile Bunker:
-Strong armor, slow movement. Deploys by contracting its tracks and digging in about one meter into the ground. Deploying takes about 5 seconds, but after that the bunker gets double the armor. Is most vulnerable during deployment.
-Garrisons 8 infantry of any type. But they can only enter and exit when the bunker is undeployed. They can shoot out both during transit and deployed state, and get a small range bonus.
-Can be equipped/upgraded with a few extras for a reasonable cost - all upgrades work only when the bunker is deployed;
Nuclear Detonator (goes off like a medium nuke if/when the bunker is destroyed - keep away);
Stealth Detector; Gatling Gun. You can have only one upgrade per bunker.
-Costs about 1500$, plus 1000-1500 for the upgrades. Comes with a few infantrymen when you buy it.
--GDI should use All Terrain Bipedal Tanks (ATBT):
The vehicles operate in several ways:
1: They run along the ground on tracks. This allows them a fast, stable, low silhouette, highly armored assault form. Everything is tucked away under chobbham plates (or whatever sci-fi equivalent they should have).
2: The treads are attached to what is the underside of large biped limbs. This means that if the terrain becomes too difficult (thinking large tiberium spires) they simply unfold and allow the vehicle to proceed without hindrance, like a mech. Although at a slower speed and with the inner workings a little more vulnerable than when crouched down on tracks.
3: Anti- grav systems in the hull underside of the tank allow the vehicle to move at slow speeds at about a foot off whatever surface it is traveling over. This means that it can drive straight up to a shoreline and glide over the water. This seems like a logical course of action in vehicle design to me.
- The mech/tank swap over could also be used for "sniping". The vehicle sits, hull down, behind cover. Unfolds its legs. Shoots. Then crouches back down to avoid incoming fire.
I know that last bit would be difficult to do in game, but it would make a d*mned good FMV sequence.
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
Again, sounds to much like Nod to me!-Orca Netter: Is capable of "netting" enemy troops. Returning them to a prison facility. Where they are "converted" to usable troops.
The disruptor tank should be expanded upon and become the DISRUPTOR MECH. The reason is pretty simple. If it was a mech, it could shoot the disruptor beam over your tank forces and into the enemy. This way it wouldnt shoot through your army and kill some of your forces. It would also please a ton of people that want more mechs in the game, and it makes perfect sense.
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
How about Transformers? So everybody is happy: You can switch between mech and tank?![]()
that actually wouldnt work out too bad
Mechs could be slower and more powerful
The tank units could deploy into the mechs
Mechs would move faster in tiberium
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
The GDI commando could put ion cannon beacons onto buildings rather than C4. The ion cannon beam would come down after a few seconds and demolish the building. It would have a smaller blast radius than the real ion cannon, and would be restricted to buildings....wouldnt that look awesome though, blowing up someones base with ion cannon beacons!?
It makes sense too since the ion cannon would be better in 2047, and that would be better than c4 I think! The blast could vaporize survivors to, so no more blowing up a building and having a few infantry come out!
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
Alright EA, a lot of people are upset with no hovers for GDI, and a lot of other people don't care as much. A compromise would be an amphibious APC for GDI. See a lot of people are mad that there arent hovers because all their strategies involving sneak attacks from the water and such are gone. I read that you planned on having the GDI APC so that infantry could shoot out of it. An amphibious APC would still be able to travel across the water, and would have no problems while in an ion storm. It would be like the Amphibious APC from Tiberian Sun, only with the ability for infantry to shoot out of the APC. I dont see a reason why that tech couldnt return, I mean, I dont know how it wouldnt be able to function, or why it would be too costly. This would allow for the effective sneak attacks TS offered with the amphibious APC and the hover mrls, would make sense in terms on technology, as well as with continuity!
Does this sound resonable everyone!? And please dont respond just to argue with me like some people love to do for no reason. If you do like this idea please say so.
I think this is very reasonable and would make everyone happy, even the dev team because they wouldnt need to make any hover units for GDI.
Ill be the first to <sign> this. Please leave any comments, and Predator I was hoping to maybe sometime get word about this idea because I think it would make a lot of people happy =)
The Original CNC Community Brain Storming Site:
I like this idea, but how about if -I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but...- it worked like remote\timed demo\C4 charges Col. Burton carried in Generals?
That way he could plant multiple beacons throughout the base, and when he's clear, BEEP Nod base goes bye-bye. Of course for balance issues have Nod's engineers\technichans able to sweep for such devices, but they take time to disarm, and the commando\you are allerted when it is being disarmed.
I would like to see mixed squads, like say: 4 Rifle soldiers, 3 Missile soldiers and 1 Combat Medic. The Medic would have a light\medium anti-infantry weapon to defend himself\herself, the Missile soldiers would be able to fire both anti-air and anti-ground missiles and both the Rifle soldiers and the Missile soldiers would be able to Deploy\Cover and become immobile while gaining bonuses in armor and firepower, while the Medic remains mobile but becomes slower but also gains bonuses in armor and firepower and efficacy of his healing. Or one other I idea I had about squads is you go to the barracks and choose what will be in each squad.
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