The forum software has been upgraded to 3.6.1:
- Infraction System: Infraction Extension - when the same type of infraction is received twice, the second offense can now be tacked on to the first one, extending the length it's valid for. For example, a user is given an infraction for spamming posts that expires in 1 day. An hour later this user is given another spamming posts infraction. Since the user already had an active spamming posts infraction, this new infraction's expiration time is added to the end time of the previous infraction. Effectively, this new infraction will now end 1 day and 23 hours later instead of the default of 1 day.
- Infraction System: Automatic Bans - users can now be moved to banned usergroups. A stepped system can be implemented such that increasing number of points or infractions results in lengthening ban perioids.
- RSS Import Improvement
- CAPTCHA for Guest Searches
- HttpOnly Cookies to Prevent XSS Attacks
- Podcast Improvements
- "Search This Thread" Improvements
- Improved Event Ordering
I've also re-added the arcade templates so you can identify a champion by the little cup next to their name, clicking the name will bring up a list of games the user is champion of. If you notice any errors please reply here.