My original post:
Remember the mission in TS where you re-took an old GDI base for the 1st war and you gained control of a few original mammoths?
Now imagine going through a TW yellow zone and finding an abandoned Titan which is still useable (with a little repair). Just pop an engineer in and you've got a fully functioning Titan (which would be should be comparable in size to the Juggernaught although not quite as big). 3D TS goodness to satisfy the masses .
Easter Eggs are a must .
Some other suggestions:
One better: A bonus mission where you replay one mission from each of the other C&C games, with the original units and music, just in sweet 3D.
O man, I'd like that so much. I bet they'd claim that it would require too much balancing and work... Even though all it needs is the looks. i'd like to see some of the civilians scream somethign funny.
As for the Easter eggs, yes, give me plenty! Even better if they get to play a role in the story, eg. upon discovery of an abandoned Titan a soldier remarks about how they were recalled following the disastrous events of firestorm or similar.
Or an ice locked Soviet submarine!